You Put Your Keppies In…
There was quite a crowd braving the January temperatures this past week to kick off the second semester of Beth Adam’s Religious School. The students couldn’t wait to get back to work and fun!
The pre-K kids were busy learning the hokey-pokey, only using Hebrew and Yiddish words! They put their keppies (heads) in, and took their tushies out, and shook everything all about (and giggled wildly while doing it)!
The K-3 class reminded their teacher they needed to finish their tzedakah boxes (to hold coins for charities), which they had begun during Hanukkah. The boxes were outfitted with lots of bling, and the students explained they planned on filling each with their spare change for worthy organizations.
The conversation in the fourth and fifth grade focused on family traditions and family keepsakes that have been passed through the generations. After reading “The Keeping Quilt,” several students shared about items that have been passed down in their families: menorahs, chuppahs (wedding canopies), and even kiddush cups. Then, they created a new keepsake: hand-made quilts!
The sixth and seventh graders started their fast tour of world Jewish history. They started with a timeline which not only had Jewish events but technological advances as well. They took some surveys to prepare for an upcoming game of Family Feud!