Rabbis’ Messages

Women and Money

Rabbi Barr explores whether or not women in key leadership roles could have help to avert the recent financial meltdown.

Urology and Health-care Reform

Rabbi Barr talks about the patient – doctor relationship.

Our Interfaith Trip to Israel

Rabbi Barr reflects on responses to his recent interfaith trip to Israel.

Martin Luther King, Religion, and America

Rabbi Barr examines Dr. King’s most famous speech – I Have a Dream – and discovers that there is more we have to learn, particularly about religion and America.

Grammar, Creationism, and the Bible

Rabbi Barr believes that an old joke has something to teach us about understanding the Bible.

Climate Change and the Anti-Evolution Movement

Rabbi Barr explores why some in the anti-evolution movement deny global climate change.

Jewish Identity

Rabbi Barr discusses the Jewish Agency’s decision to focus on peoplehood.

I’m Embarrassed – I Didn’t Know

Rabbi Barr admits he didn’t know about International Women’s Day

The Olympics Are Over

Rabbi Barr reflects on how quickly the Olympics seemed to be over